When temporary large tents and re-relocatable structures are needed for special events held on parking lots, many problems arise. Damage to the parking lot from tent tie down anchor stakes driven through the asphalt is a major concern for all owners. The anchors are completely recessed allowing safe pedestrian walking with a cover. Anchors allow snow plowing, driving and surface lot sweeping with or without the cover.
No tent contractors required. Setup your own tent fast and safely.
The anchors are completely recessed with no obstructions and allow snow plowing and pedestrian walking with cover and sweeping and traffic over the top with or without cover.
The anchors are 100% 304 stainless steel with a work load limit of 1,000 lbs to 50,000 lbs.
- One bolt direction anchor
- Designed for paver surfaces. Rectangular or square cup reduces paver cutting. Anchor loop is re enforced to transfer load off paver to the footing (BL3500 & BL5000)
- Cover chain prevents lost covers & bolts.
- Cover can be powder coated. Charcoal, black, gold, green or silver.
- Sliding hook anchor. Very small foot print.
- Multi directional force; 4″ to 22″ length
- Directional force, one bolt cover.
- Designed for short depth concrete projects. Corner plate holes may be used to anchor into a footing below. Rerod may be installed above the plate to increase pull out strength